Receiving a vehicle or a motorcycle as a gift or inheritance from family in Canada

Ship a Car to/from Vaughan

If you are fortunate to have received a vehicle or motorcycle as a gift or inheritance from family in Canada and need to import the vehicle into the USA, then you have come across the appropriate company. US Canada Auto Transport specializes in gifts and inheritances.

Determining Vehicle Value

A gift or an inheritance is technically the same thing when considering the import implications for the USA. Even though you did not pay for the vehicle, the vehicle still has a value, and you will need to obtain the book value of the vehicle. You can do that by visiting the Kelly Blue Book (KBB) online and completing the questionnaire or visiting the NADA guides. The value will form the basis upon which any taxes will be levied if applicable.

Vehicle Age Considerations

Now consider the vehicle age. If the vehicle is over 25 years of age, it automatically is grandfathered out of US Department of Transport (DOT) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements. If the vehicle is under 25 years of age, the vehicle will need to be compliant with US DOT and EPA requirements. The vehicle may have US compliance labels affixed or you will need to obtain a Letter of Compliance from the vehicle manufacturer.

Import Duties and Fees

If the vehicle was manufactured in North America, then you are in luck. No US import duty or manufacturers processing fee (MPF) is applicable. However, if the vehicle was manufactured outside of North America, then these fees are applicable.

Important Note:

In addition to the taxes, a Single Entry Bond is required for all items imported into the USA. US Canada Auto Transport can arrange the paperwork for your gift or inheritance and collect all the fees that are applicable. Don’t be overwhelmed by the regulations; we are experienced and knowledgeable in cross-border shipments and are only a phone call away for your solution.