We have compiled the answers to our clients’ most frequently asked questions. Please call us at 800-466-6935 if you have any questions we have not addressed.
The original title must be placed in the vehicle (preferably glove box) prior to the vehicle being shipped to Canada.
This title is needed to export out of the United States. US Customs will not allow a vehicle to export without this document in the vehicle.
It is your responsibility (person setting up the shipment) to ensure this requirement is communicated to shipper.
Vehicles that arrive at the US border without the original title will need to be stored and re-shipped. The storage and re-shipping charges will be charged to your account!
Please also be advised that you may only transport one set of keys with the vehicle. US CANADA Auto Transport will only be responsible for the original Title and one set of keys. Any other sets of keys, manuals, or remotes sent with the vehicle are not the responsibility of US CANADA Auto Transport.
Please feel free to contact us at: 1-855-550-2027 or email us with any question or concern you may have about your vehicle shipping needs. Click here to request your free shipping quote online.